
Nadia Iha Fatihah
Nurul Marfu’ah
Anggun Mahirotun NS
Eldyamarta NA
Yuna Frida SA


Infectious diseases have a high incidence rate, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, caused various
efforts to prevent and treatment the infection. One of the effort is use of traditional herbs, Ginger. Ginger is a thibbun-nabawi herb that known to have antimicrobial activity. This study aims to determine the effect of gargling activity with ginger decoction on salivary profile and in-vivo antimicrobial tests. The study was conducted in University of Darussalam Gontor with respondents who experienced mouth ulcerand dental caries. The treatment was divided into 5 groups, positive control, negative control, ginger decoction in 3 concentrations, 10%, 20%, and 30%. The sample used was respondent's saliva obtained by the spitting method. Samples were tested for pH, and volume and incubated in a microbial growth medium to calculate the number of colonies and observations in a microscope for pathogen identification. Influence of salivary profile and colony count before and after treatment tested with T-Test analysis. The results of the pH test showed an increase in the pH value to be more alkaline after being given a solution of gargling, although the pH increase was the smallest in the negative control group and the highest in the ginger group at 30% (p>0.05).  Measurements of saliva volume showed a decrease in saliva volume (p>0.05). Differences in the number of colonies before and after treatment in the control group (+) showed significant differences compared to other groups. The minimum decrease in the number of colonies was showed by the Ginger group of 30% with insignificant differences before and after treatment. The antimicrobial activity test showed ginger decoction had a minimum antimicrobial activity due to ginger decoction was not good at diluting secondary metabolites of ginger that have antimicrobial activity


How to Cite
Fatihah NI, Marfu’ah N, Mahirotun NS A, NA E, Frida SA Y. THE EFFECT OF GINGER FOR GARGLING ON SALIVARY PROFILE AND IN-VIVO ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY. International J. of Islamic and Complementary Medicine [Internet]. 2023 May 24 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];4(1):1-8. Available from:


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